Friday, July 11, 2014
如果沒有行車記錄器? 中視新聞-嬤載4歲孫女 遭右轉車撞飛祖孫倒地不起20140711
還好現在有行車記錄器, 否則這對祖孫恐怕求償無門。
對於這種亂開車的無良駕駛, 以前沒有行車記錄時, 怎麼辦呢?
一般來說, 汽車右轉碰倒機車後, 很容易在右後方的車身留下擦撞痕跡, 所以肇逃後只要找到車, 也很難狡辯﹗可是幾年前, 親友卻碰到一個難解的問題........
肇事車到案後, 車身無明顯擦痕, 眼看就要被交警輕輕放過, 這時我眼尖看到了擦撞點原來是在車子的右後輪---難怪車身看不到擦痕。機車前輪軸被違規車右後輪碰撞後, 在汽車輪胎上刮出一條螺旋線, 隨即刮到急速旋轉中的鋁圈, 機車重著地, 親友立即昏迷送醫...... 機車前輪軸上留下白白的鋁屑成為鐵證, 警方後來也採認了!
加上當時熱心民眾記下車號, 終於讓開著租來的LEXUS跑車的年輕人認罪。至於當時肇逃, 是不是酒駕?? 警察沒追問....... 這樣對嗎?
PS: 通常看到出租車000-XX車號, 我都會閃遠遠的。一來駕駛可能不常開車, 技術不好; 二來車主可能平常沒開名車, 開好車容易興起亂飇! 請大家要小心。
Saturday, July 5, 2014
日頭 台灣 閩南語 唸法
教育部把 ji̍t-thâu/li̍t-thâu 同時列出, 而且把 li̍t-thâu 放後面, 我認為是相當好的做法。畢竟國語「熱鬧」不能講成「樂鬧」, 因為那只是大舌頭..... 台語的「日頭」唸 ji̍t-thâu 才正確, 但是唸成 li̍t-thâu的人又很多, 怎麼辦?只好列入第二順位。但長期來說, 還是要和國語一樣, 有個標準, 但是"很熱"要講成"很樂"或"粉熱" 就是大家的自由了, 「日頭」怎麼唸也隨您高興囉。
鳳飛飛 心肝寶貝
每次聽這首歌就想哭。一方面歌詞動人, 一方面鳳飛飛的台語發音和我老家完全相同!! 特別是帶有Z音的「日頭」, 在台灣愈來愈少人講對了...... 很多人唸成L音, 就像「很熱」被唸成「很樂」。另外「月娘」的「月」和「學走」的「學」都沒有強烈的ㄜ音, 好聽極了。
Proud Of You 歌詞
畢業季節到了, 這首歌很熱門, 特別是在幼稚園。以下是整首歌的歌詞, 網路上有不少把最後一段寫錯, 我特別標成紅色﹗在前一句是light up my way, 後一句 how dark is my path 比較合理。至於文法是要把is放中間還是放最後, 這個再討論。至少比原來網路傳的"how that ease my path"合理多了﹗ease沒加s就有點問題了, 更何況前面還有NO MATTER.....詞義上更不通。
Proud of you 原唱: Fiong Fung (馮曦妤/馮翠樺)
Love in your eyes, sitting silent by my side
going on holding hand, walking through the nights
hold me up, hold me tight, lift me up to touch the sky
teaching me to love with heart, helping me open my mind,
Stars in the sky, wishing once upon a time
give me love, make me smile, till the end of life
hold me up, hold me tight, lift me up to touch the sky
teaching me to love with heart, helping me open my mind,
I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly,
to give the best of mine till the end of the time
believe me I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
to give the best of mine, the heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you light up my way
no matter how dark is my path, I'll never lose my faith
see me fly, I'm proud to fly up high, show you the best of mine
till the end of the time, believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky,
show you the best of mine, the heaven in the sky,
nothing can stop me, spread my wings so wide
Proud of you 原唱: Fiong Fung (馮曦妤/馮翠樺)
Love in your eyes, sitting silent by my side
going on holding hand, walking through the nights
hold me up, hold me tight, lift me up to touch the sky
teaching me to love with heart, helping me open my mind,
I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly,
to give the best of mine till the end of the time
believe me I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
to give the best of mine, the heaven in the sky
to give the best of mine till the end of the time
believe me I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
to give the best of mine, the heaven in the sky
Stars in the sky, wishing once upon a time
give me love, make me smile, till the end of life
hold me up, hold me tight, lift me up to touch the sky
teaching me to love with heart, helping me open my mind,
I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly,
to give the best of mine till the end of the time
believe me I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
to give the best of mine, the heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you light up my way
no matter how dark is my path, I'll never lose my faith
see me fly, I'm proud to fly up high, show you the best of mine
till the end of the time, believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky,
show you the best of mine, the heaven in the sky,
nothing can stop me, spread my wings so wide
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